Register today to attend our union’s most exciting biennial conference providing both worksite leader and professional development workshops. Texas AFT's Bridges Institute hosts our biennial Regional Leadership Conferences. Our Bridges Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit devoted to providing professional development opportunities for Texas public school employees.

- $35 per person registration (includes lunch, beverage service, and networking reception)
- Payment via credit card and/or choose "Invoice My Local Union" for local union direct billing
- Deadline to register for each RLC is 24-hours prior to the start of the event
- No refunds will be provided; however, a credit will be applied for an alternate participant
- RLC activities are provided for Texas AFT members

Our fight to thrive is about creating respectful working conditions with more planning time, fewer added duties and extra paperwork, resources to prevent burnout before it starts, and a defined workday that doesn’t require us to sacrifice our personal lives for our jobs. Our union’s professional development and advocacy programs help members create a school culture that allows both employees and students to thrive. Visit our Thrive Campaign webpage today.
October 28, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Norris Conference Center
12005 Ford Rd #200
Dallas, TX 75234
February 10, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sheraton Brookhollow Hotel
3000 N Loop W
Houston, TX 77092
February 24, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Embassy Suites Convention Hotel
800 Convention Center Blvd
McAllen, TX 78501
Workshop Descriptions
Worksite Leaders 1 (Full Day Workshop)
This session is designed for new and less experienced worksite leaders to help them build union power at their worksite. The session will begin with a focus on the one-on-one organizing conversation, which is foundational for moving potential members to members, members to activists, and activists to leaders. Practice and feedback are built into the session. Participants will then learn about their roles and responsibilities as a building rep, how to map their worksite to identify relationships, member benefits, and how to conduct 10-minute meetings.

Worksite Leaders 2 (Full Day Workshop)
This session is designed for worksite leaders with experience who understand the basics of being a worksite leader, keep members informed on issues and events, have demonstrated a commitment to our union, and have done at least some organizing around issues. The session will help participants build more union power at their worksite by honing their one-on-one organizing conversation skills and helping them build a worksite team, learn how to assess members, organize around worksite issues, and create a worksite campaign around THRIVE.

Elected Leaders (Officers and Executive Board Only | Full Day Workshop)
This session is an ideal opportunity for your executive board to think and work together to move your local forward. For the first half of the day, we will explore leadership roles and responsibilities, personality traits, and how to build an effective team based on those styles. The second half of the day will be dedicated to mobilizing the troops, moving the deciders, and organizing.

Mindfulness and Meditation (CPE Credit Provided)
Mindfulness and Meditation are not just buzzwords but tools that work; engaging in practice can lead to calmness and joy even during stressful situations. Join us and experience it for yourself! In this session, participants will practice mindfulness and Meditation, learn how to use these strategies to improve their learning environment, help their students increase their resilience levels, and engage in the present moment. All educators who work directly with children can benefit from attending these sessions. Join us and explore our on-demand sessions and resources that can be used in daily lessons. CPE Credit Issued.

Navigating the Bridge Between Stress and SEL (CPE Credit Provided)*
Stress cannot always be avoided, but it can be effectively managed. Whether you are an adult, adolescent, or young child, you learn from every social and academic experience. This session will focus on stressors that affect one’s well-being and professional life, coping strategies, and stress management. Participants will be able to: (1) Direct their own emotions and teach students to do the same; (2) Manage stress and embrace a healthy lifestyle protocol; (3) Practice empathy and teach students to do the same; and (4) Advocate for classrooms where students feel safe and respected.

Transforming Your Teacher Identity-Who Am I As An Educator? (CPE Credit Provided)*
An essential tool for organizing, member engagement, new teacher induction, and mentoring.
Using various interactive strategies, educators will explore how various aspects of their personal and social identities uniquely form who they are as professionals and impact teaching and learning. Course resources will support professional growth by examining research-based approaches to building teacher efficacy and agency and working collectively with all stakeholders to foster successful relationships with students, peers, and families. This blended-learning module is designed to activate self-reflection, spark thought-provoking discussion, and transform how educators prepare to meet the demands of the profession. Participants will be able to: (1) Articulate their cultural identity and its impacts to the learning environment; (2) Identify and employ characteristics of an efficacious teacher; (3) Identify the role of the teacher agency and explain how professional agency connects to AFT work; and (4) Recognize the necessity of a self-care plan and begin to develop their own. Apply new knowledge through self-reflection, goal setting, and action planning.

Empowering Union Teachers: Nurturing Teacher Identity, Advocacy, and Well-being (CPE Credit Provided)*
Participating in this workshop empowers educators to thrive by enriching their understanding of their teacher identity, providing advocacy tools, and promoting well-being practices. Ultimately, educators leave inspired and equipped to make a lasting impact on their students, the educational system, and their own lives.

Managing Behavior in School Communities (CPE Credit Provided)*
Managing Behavior in School Communities (MBSC) is an AFT Professional Development Program course that presents the most recent and seminal research on challenging student behavior and provides educators and other school personnel with effective strategies for managing unwanted behavior across several learning environments. MBSC will provide teachers and support staff with the information, tools, and skills they may need to prevent or eliminate challenging or antisocial behaviors and/or to manage much of this behavior when it occurs.

(*) = workshop availability may vary based on the scheduled date and location of our RLC.
8:00 AM
Check In & Grab Your Name Tag
9:00 AM
Texas AFT Convention Delegate Town Hall
Delegate from our union's recent Texas AFT biennial convention are invited to attend a regional town hall event to discuss proposed changes to our state federation's constitution. Proposed changes included a reorganization of Texas AFT's internal governance, including the creatation of a Governing Body in addition to the existing Executive Council. The purpose is to provide an open dialogue regarding proposed changes for the 2025 Texas AFT Biennial Convention.
10:00 AM
Morning Workshop Sessions
- Worksite Leader 1
- Worksite Leader 2
- Elected Leaders
- Professional Development Workshop(s)
12:00 pm
Together We Thrive General Session & Luncheon
General session. Lunch provided.
1:30 pm
Afternoon Workshop Sessions
Morning Workshop Sessions Resume
- Worksite Leader 1
- Worksite Leader 2
- Elected Leaders
- Professional Development Workshop(s)
4:00 pm
THRIVE Together Networking Event
Each RLC will conclude with a networking event. This activity provides afternoon food and beverages, including graduation certificates and group photos.

5:30 pm
RLC Concludes
Safe travels home. Thank you for attending.

We look forward to seeing you at our Regional Leadership Conferences!

Processing Registration...